Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Recap

We went back to Grundy for Thanksgiving and had such a nice time visiting with my family.  We got there about 10:30 Wednesday night.  The drive wasn't too bad.  It was real easy for me since Matt did all the driving!  :-)  My mom cooked for us all weekend.  It was all so good and I definitely felt my bump getting bigger which I don't necessarily consider to be a good think since I'm pretty sure it was all food.  I didn't manage to take any pictures of the family.  Matt and I did a lot of relaxing which was nice.  So, did Wally.

Isn't it sad that this is the only picture we took?

We really stayed at home and visited a lot.  Thanksgiving night, Matt and my sister went on a date to the movies to see the latest Harry Potter movie.  Since I haven't seen any of them, I didn't really care about going so I stayed at home and watched a Christmas movie on TV.  Friday, we went out Black Friday shopping which doesn't take too long in Grundy.  We were the most successful at my dad's store.  Saturday, we watched the Hokies beat the Hoos and then we headed to Bristol to see the Christmas lights at the speedway.  It was mentioned in December's Southern Living and since my mom was the only one that had seen them, we decided to go check them out.  They were really cool.  Dad didn't quite think they were worth the traffic and wait to get it.  Here are some pictures of our favorites! 

So, my parents got me a Flip camera for my birthday which was a big surprise.  Matt and I had been looking at Flips and even gone to the store to look but I hadn't mentioned it to my parents.  Anyways, I tested it out while we were looking at the lights.  After we saw all the lights, we got to drive around the race track and there were more lights that were synchronized to the music.

Sunday, the drive home wasn't quite as much fun as I got very sick in the car.  Since that was not a highlight of our trip and no one wants to hear the details, I'll leave that part out.  Needless to say, I don't think Matt and I will ever forget the experience.

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