Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Recap

We spent this Easter with family.  My mom, dad, and sister came into town on Thursday night.

On friday, they spent the day with Charlie while Matt and I worked.  We spent the rest of the weekend visiting.

We spent time at home relaxing.  The weather was beautiful.
 (Someone needs a haircut and it's not Charlie.)

We went to Maymont for a nice walk and to see the animals.

Unfortunately, Charlie got another sinus and ear infection.  That didn't get him too down and with everyone here to love on him, he was just fine! 

On Easter, we had to see what the Easter Bunny brought.
Charlie was so good that the Easter Bunny even sent gifts by both grandmothers!
We went to church and then spent time with both of our families. 

Matt's mom, dad and sister came over and we had a feast!   
I can't take much credit for the meal but it was delicious. 

And if only the boy could eat his dessert first.  He definitely was a fan of Grammie's cookies and why not if Grammie fixes him his very own!

We enjoyed a nice walk and some pictures outside! 

Charlie thoroughly enjoyed all the company and love, as did Matt and I.  The weekend came and went all too fast.  We have a very spoiled little boy after all the attention that he got.

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